Living an Orthodox African-American Christian Life: Ancient Iconography for Evangelism

There is no shortage of people who use white images of Jesus Christ to support the idea that blacks should turn away from the Christian faith in favor of some form of Islam, Hebrew Israelitism, or some other faith based on a traditional African religion. It is not hard to find the presence of brown … More Living an Orthodox African-American Christian Life: Ancient Iconography for Evangelism

Living an Orthodox Christian African-American Life: A Meaning of Malcolm X

Malcolm X was an influence for me to become an Orthodox Christian. Born the son of a preacher, Malcolm Little was disenchanted with the Christianity of his time as he developed into a Harlem street hustler. While in prison, he was drawn to the teachings of the Nation of Islam which preached black separatism. Leaving … More Living an Orthodox Christian African-American Life: A Meaning of Malcolm X

Living an African-American Orthodox Christian Life: Dealing with “Bumps and Bruises”

In a recent post on Facebook, I mentioned that “There will be some bumps and bruises in some parishes for black Inquirers.” Over thirty years after a wave of evangelicals converted to Orthodox Christianity under the Antiochians, the hurdle of ethnicity can still be daunting for anyone seeking the faith. Along with that are the … More Living an African-American Orthodox Christian Life: Dealing with “Bumps and Bruises”