How Christianity Came to Africa: Hebrew Preparation

As in the Levant, Christianity in Africa has roots in the Israelite/Jewish religion. The story of Noah’s descendants populating the earth has the descendants of Ham settling Egypt and points west and southward along the Nile River (Genesis 10:6~20). An ancient name for the Nile is Gihon, one of the four rivers mentioned in the … More How Christianity Came to Africa: Hebrew Preparation

Alternative Christianity:  Orthodoxy and the Mainstream Church

Every mainstream should have an antithesis.  This is not to be combative or dismissive to the denomination that left.  Had it not been for the African-American Baptist Church, I probably would have never been born, much less born again.  I think the black church of the various denominations and non-denominations are able to lead souls … More Alternative Christianity:  Orthodoxy and the Mainstream Church

A Blessed Timket

Many blessings to the Ethiopian Tehwado Orthodox Church in Celebration of Timket.  This African version of Epiphany is perhaps one of the most lively celebrations of any kind anywhere in the world.  Unlike the drunken revelries of  Carnival or Mardi Gras which have been hijacked from their religious intent, Timket is welded to it’s Christian … More A Blessed Timket